THEtraditional machinery I am
SLOW, INVASIVE and require DOUBLE the staff
THEY REDUCE REVENUES because you are forced to use more manpower, time and resources
They force operators to perform oneI DIG WIDE, increasing costs for the company
You lose competitiveness in the market and risk paying penalties due toDELAYS IN THE EXECUTION OF WORKS
Dig, clean and load inONLY ONE STEP
AND UNFAIR that you shouldWORKING UNDER PRESSURE due to penalties related to delivery times
YOU DESERVE TO WORK PEACEFULLY, respect the conditions of the contract and obtain the right margin​
IncreaseEFFICIENCYAndSAFETYin the pipeline and stand out from your competitors
Here's a small portion of what you get withMAK 75 EVO.1
Increaseyour profit margins
Lowerconstruction site management costs
Radio controlledfor comfort and safety
Quick and easyto use
Ecological, reliable, compact and powerful
Low costs management and maintenance
Training and assistanceafter sales
Assistance infinancing
Our 60 years of experience in the field allows us to fully understand your needs. This leads us to work in partnership with both large companies and SMEs.
Our trenchers put the operator at the center, guaranteeing his safety and greater comfort during work. Furthermore, by increasing profit margins, we ensure that the companies that turn to us can prosper.
Construction of the first radio-controlled fiber optic trencher